The AEC ‘crew’ has decades of experience with the supply of wheat for the Brazilian wheat mills. This week AEC sponsored the wheat conference ABRITRIGO held in Campinas, Brazil alongside names like ADM, Cargill, CHS and many more.
Despite the recent downturn in Brazil, there is now more optimism and hope that things can only get better for the country. However, it is not only a wish as key figures indeed shows an improvement from the lows.
For the country’s agribusiness, this year has seen a bumber soyabean crop with Brazil sitting as the world’s leading soya bean exporter.
The total value of Brazil’s agribusiness has increased steadily over two decades.
However, wheat is mainly imported so the interest at Abitrigo is merely focused on the Brazil internal recovery and the population’s buying power when it comes to bread, cookies and pasta.
The positive drop in the country’s inflation rate is something that is bringing some optimism back.