AEC loading coal in Barranquilla on Ultramax MV Proud Unity

Grab operation:

AEC loads steel billets in Buenos Aires on MV Tczew (38,000dwt)

Crane & Spreader:

Cargo being stowed in holds:

AEC loads bulk wheat on MV ORIENT TIDE, 36,009dwt, in Uruguay:

AEC has since its inception had a very active bulk wheat program into Brazil. Fleet vessel MV Kociewie, 38,980 mts Dwat, discharging bulk wheat.

MV Clipper Kate discharging coal at Itaguai


AEC’s steel program includes the shipping of very heavy hot-rolled steel coils. We handle heavy steel coils with an average piece weight of 29 metric tons, which are being loaded in Praia Mole, Brazil.

As part of AEC’s regular steel program MV PELAGIANI (35,313 DWT), under a second charter with AEC, shipped wire rods and rebars from Brazil to Argentina.