Entries by Lars-Peter Madsen

AEC add special ‘Ultra’ Ultramax Newbuilding to it fleet

The Japanese Bulk Carrier, MV Christina, has been chartered on long term Time-Charter to AEC. The vessel is a special Japanese design with higher Deadweight that normal Ultramaxes. She delivered from Mitsui Yard in Japan and was sent on her first employment to load grain in Vancouver, BC for discharging in Japan. ‘We have a […]

True to its name, AEC maintains its competency in transporting Energy Products

Be it Coal or Petroleum Coke, AEC continues to be the trusted partner to meet the Marine Transportation requirements of our clients in the Energy Sector. MV Falmouth Bay, the 58,616 deadweight Bulk Carrier built 2014, alongside in North Brazil. 52,500 mts of Bulk Coal being discharged into shore ‘hoppers’ and on to trucks.   […]

A variety of Steel Products

AEC chartered the New Building MV Calypso.GR for calling the Port of Praia Mole (Espírito Santo state, Brazil) for loading five different types of steels: Billets, Rebars, WFB (wide flange beans) and Merchant Bars during her 3rd voyage after delivery from yard.     Due to the complex of the operation, AEC was not only […]

Ordem e Progresso !!

The words ‘Order and Progress’ on the Brazilian flag has often seemed misplaced. We follow up on the past Brazilian inputs from AEC’s website (latest https://aecarriers.com/the-brazilian-parliament-votes-in-favor-of-presidential-impeachment/ ). The fact that ex-President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula), finally began his 12 years prison sentence is something exceptional for Brazil. For foreigners with little knowledge about […]

AEC continues the fertilizer program into South America

AEC’s close South America focus has lately been enhanced with fertilizer imports from China to Brazil. ‘We have a very close relationship with the Charterers and we provide them with the needed ‘hands on, full package’ operational job. Our company profound knowledge in South America benefit our clients every day’ says Jose Cavalieri from the […]

Cocoa Beans !

AEC highly skilled Chartering team, the diversified trading and the flexible high quality fleet sometimes brings some interesting cargoes. ‘This time it was Cocoa Beans in bags’ say Naresh Khandelwal from the AEC operations team and continues ‘We are always ready to handle what is needed and we have the experience and the fleet to […]

Wood Pulp nicely packed !

The nice design of the Japanese MV AEC Ability II resulted in the perfect stowage of Wood Pulp in Sete, France. ‘This is where these ships differentiates themselves. It is really a minimum of dunnage that is required to load a vessel that is so perfect for the cargo’ says Jesper Lollesgaard, Chartering Manager, London. […]

Sucessful DryDocking confirms AEC high quality fleet

AEC has completed yet another successful dry docking. This time it was great fleet vessel MV AEC Belief’s turn. AEC strive on quality performance with quality vessels, so when it is time for the dry docking of the fleet vessels the entire team put great efforts into getting the best ship out on the water […]

Fill it up please…

When AEC load grains every inch of space is utilized. The charter vessel MV Arklow Spray, a 34,905 dwat Bulk Carrier built 2013,  was loaded with a full bulk wheat cargo.  

AEC featured in Inside Marine Magazine

Agriculture & Energy Carriers are featured in the next Inside Marine Magazine, with an overview of the company’s activities and an exclusive interview with CEO Lars-Peter Madsen.