Permission for ‘sail-by’ !

During the week 20th to 24th of May, Copenhagen host one of the largest shipping events in Europe. ‘Befragterklubben’ dinner on Friday the 24th of May is the main event. However, the world’s shipping professionals gather during the week for meetings and many private events.
Jesper Lollegaard, AEC’s Chartering Manager in London, was early on the spot with his camera capturing MV AEC Diligence entering the ‘The Sound’ at Helsingoer heading towards Copenhagen and thereafter the Baltic.
‘A good way to start the week’, says Mr. Lollesgaard and continues, ‘We are active and open for business. MV AEC Diligence illustrate well AEC’s profile consisting of quality, flexibility, agility and professionalism’.
MV AEC Diligence, a 32,258 dwt Japanese built (quality), open hatch, box-shaped, logger (flexibility and agility), is on her way to load a full cargo of timber.